Amazon Echo - Skills - Jeopardy! J6

Amazon Echo - Skills - Jeopardy! J6

Unlike your college roommate, the Amazon Echo is finding more ways to help out around the house. Potentially similar to your college roommate, Alexa is also finding ways to provide entertainment and ways to kill time while not accomplishing much of anything. 

In this series, “Alexa, could you please”, I explore the skills that make Alexa similar to the college roommate you had (entertaining) and the skills you wish your college roommate had (helping out around the house).

Skill: Jeopardy! J6
Helping Out around the house: No
Entertaining: Yes

This skill puts you head to head with Alex Trebek and six questions from the current day’s jeopardy show. 

It is a fun challenge to test your knowledge, a competition between you, your spouse and/or roommates. However, unlike Alex Alexa does not have a buzzer system to gate which contestant is allowed to answer the question and she doesn't do well with multiple people blurting out answers. So you will need to collaborate to take on Alexa. 

A few improvements I would love to see the skill incorporate is a more strategic use of the Jeopardy theme music and the ability to get additional questions to make the game longer if desired. 

I doubt the former will happen due to copyright issues however the later seems like it should be doable…

Give the skill a try to keep (or make your more) you sharp! 

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