Leadership Nugget - Enjoy the Journey - Alfred D. Souza

Leadership Nugget - Enjoy the Journey - Alfred D. Souza

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. - Alfred D. Souza

As soon as I…
After I get through…
After this project…

These statements are usually followed by something along the lines of…

then I will be…
then I will…
I am never…
I will have more time for…

I am guilty of uttering these lines. 

For nearly, 6 months I delayed joining a Crossfit gym with one of the statements above. I told myself there was too much going on.

About half way through the time when “I had too much going on” I made a switch in my workday to avoid the awful Chicago rush hour traffic. I would start my workday at 6:15-6:30 and drive home around 3:00-3:30. As a result, I netted nearly an extra hour of personal time each day because I wasn't sitting in traffic. 

With this rearranging of my schedule, I removed the excuse of not having enough time. So I joined the gym. 

The more I re-examine the lives of successful bosses and co-workers who maintained anything in addition to success at work, they did this type of life rearranging. To pick up kids from daycare, to coach softball, to serve as the Boy Scout troop leader, they would put in early morning/evening/weekend hours as a substitute.  

In the past three months, I made my Crossfit class a priority. I made it in the early afternoon with the schedule mentioned above or in the morning and worked a bit later into the day. 

I was inspired to write this blog by an article I read by, Bernard Marr, where he indicated that trading health for success isn't a good deal and the best moments of your life won't happen looking at a screen.

Take away: GSD (get stuff done) but not in sacrifice of EVERYTHING else. 

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